Feb 07, 2025  
2022-2023 Graziadio Academic Catalog 
2022-2023 Graziadio Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

General Information

Mission and Affirmation Statements

Pepperdine is a Christian university committed to the highest standards of academic excellence and Christian values, where students are strengthened for lives of purpose, service, and leadership.

As a Christian university, Pepperdine affirms:

That God is

That God is revealed uniquely in Christ

That the educational process may not, with impunity, be divorced from the divine process

That the student, as a person of infinite dignity, is the heart of the educational enterprise

That the quality of student life is a valid concern of the University

That truth, having nothing to fear from investigation, should be pursued relentlessly in every discipline

That spiritual commitment, tolerating no excuse for mediocrity, demands the highest standards of academic excellence

That freedom, whether spiritual, intellectual, or economic, is indivisible

That knowledge calls, ultimately, for a life of service

President’s Message

Pepperdine is a premier, global, Christian university. Our mission is to strengthen students for lives of purpose, service, and leadership. Our world is in need of brave, young leaders who know the difference between truth and its counterfeit and possess the character to stand for the truth at all cost. However, these kinds of leaders are not born-they are built-and I believe that Pepperdine is uniquely positioned to deliver on the promise of building and sending these leaders into the world. That promise is for you. 

Over the course of history, nearly every college or university that began as a faith-based institution felt it had to choose between excellence in academics and excellence in faith. But at Pepperdine, we believe they are intertwined and that they can-and they must-ascend together. Intellectual excellence starts with the academic culture created by our nationally esteemed faculty through their scholarship and teaching. We refuse to compromise on the rigor, scholarship, and mentoring that it takes to shape brilliant leaders. 

Equally important, Jesus modeled an “open arms” and “open table” approach to life and faith. At Pepperdine, we are unapologetically Christian, which means … we invite and welcome the world into our community. We invite everyone here because God designed life that way. He designed us to do life together. He designed us to need each other-to belong to each other. He designed us with different gifts and different views, and he strengthens us and teaches us through the vehicle of different perspectives. 

Welcome to Pepperdine. I hope and pray that you are challenged and equipped here to be the best leader you could possibly be. 

Jim Gash 

History of the University

Pepperdine University is an independent, medium-sized university enrolling approximately 7,900 students in five colleges and schools. Seaver College, the School of Law, the Graduate School of Education and Psychology, the Graziadio Business School, and the School of Public Policy are located on the University’s 830-acre campus overlooking the Pacific Ocean in Malibu. Courses are taught in Malibu, at five graduate campuses throughout California, at the campus in Washington, DC, and at international campuses in Germany, England, Italy, Argentina, Switzerland, and China.

The University was founded in 1937 by George Pepperdine, a Christian businessman who started the Western Auto Supply Company. For the first 30 years of its life, the institution was a small, mostly undergraduate college. Following the expansion of new schools, the college was announced as Pepperdine University in 1971. In 1972 the University opened its new campus at Malibu.

Pepperdine University is religiously affiliated with Churches of Christ, of which Mr. Pepperdine was a lifelong member. Faculty, administrators, and members of the Board of Regents represent many religious backgrounds, and students of all races and faiths are welcomed. It is the purpose of Pepperdine University to pursue the very highest academic standards within a context that celebrates and extends the spiritual and ethical ideals of the Christian faith.

Colleges and Schools of the University

Seaver College is the University’s residential college of letters, arts, and sciences, enrolling approximately 3,400 undergraduate and graduate students who are expected to maintain the highest standards of academic excellence and personal conduct. An interdisciplinary curriculum requires each student to develop as a broadly educated person. Seaver College offers 45 bachelor’s degrees, five master’s degrees, and one post-baccalaureate certificate program in diverse fields of study.

The Graziadio Business School is accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB International) and enrolls approximately 1,800 students in its full- and part-time programs. Founded in 1969, the school is named for its benefactor, the late cofounder, chair, and chief executive officer of Imperial Bancorp, George L. Graziadio. Degrees granted by the Graziadio School include the Doctor of Business Administration, the Master of Business Administration (MBA) for full-time students, working professionals, and high-level executives; Master of Science (MS) degrees across a variety of business disciplines; and the undergraduate Bachelor of Science in Management (BSM). Special programs include joint degrees with Pepperdine University’s School of Law, School of Public Policy, and Seaver College as well as certificate executive education programs that can be customized to meet an organization’s specific learning needs. Degree programs are offered at the various Pepperdine campuses located in Malibu, West Los Angeles, Calabasas, Encino, and Irvine, as well as online.

The School of Public Policy offers master’s degree programs in public policy. It prepares graduates for careers as leaders and seeks to strengthen the institutions that lie between the federal government and the individual, including the family, religious organizations, volunteer associations, local and regional government, and nonprofit organizations.

The Caruso School of Law provides an excellent legal education within a valuescentered context. Approved by the American Bar Association and holding membership in the Association of American Law Schools and the Order of the Coif, the Caruso School of Law attracts students from around the nation.

The Graduate School of Education and Psychology offers master’s and doctoral programs in education and psychology, which are founded on the scholar-practitioner model. The education programs prepare teachers to be leaders in technological innovation and collaborative learning environments. Students in the psychology programs are educated in human-service fields, including clinical psychology, and marriage & family therapy.

University Code of Ethics


Pepperdine University is a Christian university committed to the highest standards of academic excellence and Christian values. Members of the Pepperdine University community-faculty, staff, students, administrators, members of the Board of Regents, members of the University’s advisory boards, and volunteers-are responsible for maintaining the standards of the institution and of the various communities in which they live. We value integrity, honesty, and fairness and strive to integrate these values into our daily practices.

Our ethical expectations are found in Holy Scripture, the University Mission Statement, the founding vision of George Pepperdine, and the University Affirmation Statement. Holy Scripture provides the ultimate source for our ethical standards, including the two great commands taught by Jesus: the duty to love God and love one’s neighbor as one’s self (Matthew 22:37-40).

In this spirit, we commit ourselves to the highest standards of ethical conduct. We act with integrity, we treat others with respect and dignity, we carefully steward the University’s resources, we avoid conflicts of interest or commitment, we maintain confidentiality, and we comply with legal and professional obligations. We are individually accountable for our own actions, and we are collectively accountable for upholding these standards of behavior and complying with all applicable laws, policies, standards, and regulations. While human and therefore fallible, we constantly strive to meet our ethical expectations. Moreover, because the Pepperdine community is composed of many distinct constituencies, we understand that, beyond the general ethical principles outlined in this document, we may be subject to additional rules of conduct specific to our respective roles within the community.

Acting with Integrity

We seek to be people who are honorable, forthright, and upright at all times. Our commitment to integrity demands more than mere satisfaction of legal and ethical obligations, although we comply with the law and conform to the highest standards of ethical conduct. Our commitment to integrity means that we actively discern what is right from what is wrong, that what we do flows directly from who we are, that we seek consistency between our inner self and our outward conduct. We value people, we speak the truth, we have the courage of our convictions, and we keep our commitments. We do not condone any form of dishonesty-such as fraud, theft, cheating, or plagiarism. Detailed information is outlined specifically in our Academic Policies  section and the Student, Faculty, and Staff Handbooks.

Treating Others with Respect and Dignity

Members of the community are committed to principles of equality and fairness. We follow the profound truth found in the Golden Rule, “In everything do to others as you would have them do to you” (Matthew 7:12).

We do not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of any status or condition protected by applicable federal or state law. Consistent with our affiliation with Churches of Christ and our faith heritage, we do seek to hire and promote persons who support the goals and mission of the University, including, but not limited to, those who are members of Churches of Christ.

We respect the inherent worth of each member of the community. We do not engage in any forms of harassment of others. Those in positions of authority, including administrators, supervisors, faculty members, and student leaders, exercise their authority fairly and appropriately.

Other expectations about how we treat others with respect and dignity can be found in University policies and in each school’s faculty and student handbooks.

Stewarding the University’s Resources

We are good stewards of the University resources entrusted to us, and we prepare accurate and clear reports about those resources. University resources are reserved for business purposes on behalf of the University. We exercise reasonable judgment in the use of University resources, acting with care and prudence. We do not use University resources for personal gain.

We prepare correct and clear financial records and research reports. All entries in University books and accounts accurately reflect each transaction. In reporting on the University’s resources, we do not hide, conceal, or mislead; and we promptly report such misconduct when it is discovered.

Avoiding Conflicts of Interest and Commitment

We do not have direct or indirect interests or commitments, financial or otherwise, which conflict with the proper discharge of our duties to the University. The primary professional allegiance of all full-time employees lies with Pepperdine University and the advancement of its mission. We do not solicit or accept any gift, service, or favor that might reasonably influence the discharge of our duties or that we know or should know is being offered with the intent to influence our official conduct. We do not accept other employment or engage in business or professional activities outside of the University when such work might reasonably cause real or apparent conflicts of interest or conflicts of commitment. We do not transact business in our official capacity with any business entity of which we are an officer, agent, or member or in which we own a substantial interest without the explicit prior knowledge and approval of the appropriate senior University officer. We disclose potential conflicts of interest to the appropriate supervisor or officer as soon as possible after we realize that a conflict may have arisen. Additional information is located in the University conflicts of interest policy.

Maintaining Confidentiality

We observe and respect the confidentiality rights of all other members of the community, and this duty continues even after we are no longer affiliated with the University. This right of confidentiality applies to all academic, financial, health-related, personnel, or other non-public information protected either by law or by University policy. However, the right does not preclude the consensual release of information or the disclosure of information within the University when there is a legitimate need for its disclosure. E-mail or other uses of the University’s computers or computer network are for business purposes and are not presumed confidential. Additional information is located in the University’s Computer and Network Responsible Usage Policy.

Complying with Legal and Professional Obligations

We comply with all state and federal laws and conform to the highest standards of professional conduct. We transact University business in compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, and University policies and procedures. We do not misrepresent our status or authority in our dealings with others. To the extent that we belong to professions that are governed by standards specific to the profession (such as attorneys, psychologists, or certified public accountants), we adhere to such professional standards. We conduct ourselves in accordance with professional principles for scholarly work, including upholding academic codes of conduct and professional standards for research.

Reporting Violations of the Code

In order to maintain the integrity of the community, we report observed or suspected violations of this code of ethics with a spirit of fairness, honesty, and respect for the rights of others. Those who report alleged misconduct and those against whom allegations are reported are afforded all rights provided by University policies as well as all applicable state and federal laws. Those who are found to have violated this code will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion, termination of employment, or termination of relationship. Information about reporting violations of this code may be found in the University policy “How to Report a Violation of the Code of Ethics.”


We are governed by an ethos of care and respect, virtues that transcend the provisions of this code. We are called to something greater and nobler than mere compliance with the law or a written code of ethics. We are called “to live a life worthy of the calling [we] have received … , bearing with one another in love” (Ephesians 4:1-2). We are called to “dedicate ourselves anew to the great cause of beautiful Christian living” (George Pepperdine’s Dedicatory Address). We are called, ultimately, to lives of service (University Affirmation Statement). As the University motto instructs us: “Freely ye received, freely give.”

The Graziadio Business School Mission Statement

The founder of Pepperdine University, George Pepperdine, was motivated by a desire to help men and women prepare themselves for a life of usefulness in a competitive world. He particularly advocated a business education, coupled with the development of Christian character. It is his outlook which serves to anchor the mission of the business school.

Our Mission

Inspired by our Christian values, we seek to:

Promote transformational learning, 
Create applied knowledge, and 
Equip our students to become Best for the World business leaders and entrepreneurs.

Our Vision

Global distinction in developing Best for the World leaders.

Our Values

Today - not tomorrow

George Graziadio was frequently heard saying this phrase and we believe it holds true for us. He reminds us in a world of constant opportunity and disruptive potential to hold an action bias (carpe diem) and to deliver on the good that is within our influence today and not to wait for more favorable or comfortable conditions.

Integrity always

We aspire to live and model lives that are guided by a deep integrity that holds strong even when forces that try to compromise good challenge us.

Courage with compassion

We believe that facing the challenges that lie before us will require deep courage, and we aspire to be models of fearlessness coupled with compassion that honor the dignity of each person.

Pioneering spirit

Embracing the changes that we face in our daily lives and in the future will tap the enduring spirit of adventure, curiosity, and openness that has guided us in each new chapter of our existence. We aspire to live boldly and lean into new adventures with hopefulness.

History of the Graziadio Business School

Established in 1969, the Pepperdine Graziadio Business School was one of the first schools in the nation to design business programs to meet the education needs of mid-career professionals and executives. Pepperdine Graziadio aims to provide a student-centric, holistic education anchored in the core values of integrity always, courage with compassion, a pioneering spirit, and action taken, “Today, not tomorrow.”

These core values are rooted in a strong entrepreneurial heritage begun by George Pepperdine, a successful businessman and Founder of Western Auto Supply, who established Pepperdine University in 1937. In 1969 faculty members committed to improving the practice of business and its impact on society formed the Pepperdine business school, and in 1996 the school was endowed by namesake George L. Graziadio, Jr., Co-Founder, Chairman, and Chief Executive Officer of Imperial Bancorp. The late Mr. Graziadio was a visionary entrepreneur, banker, and philanthropist who often said, “The money you earn feeds your family … the money you give away feeds your soul.” That emphasis on the greater good remains a core tenet of the Pepperdine Graziadio identity.

For more than 50 years, the Pepperdine Graziadio Business School has challenged individuals to think boldly and drive meaningful change within their industries and communities, and today boasts an active alumni community of more than 47,000 business professionals worldwide. Dedicated to developing Best for the World Leaders, the Graziadio School offers a comprehensive range of MBA, MS, executive, and doctoral degree programs grounded in integrity, innovation, and entrepreneurship. The Graziadio School advances experiential learning through small classes with distinguished faculty that stimulate critical thinking and meaningful connection, inspiring students and working professionals to realize their greatest potential as values-centered leaders.


The Graziadio School is accredited by AACSB International-The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, 777 South Harbour Island Boulevard, Suite 750, Tampa, FL 33602-5730, (813) 769-6500.

Additionally, Pepperdine University is accredited by the WASC Senior College and University Commission, 985 Atlantic Avenue, Suite 100, Alameda, California 94501, (510) 748-9001.

Changes to Programs

Pepperdine Graziadio Business School reserves the right to update curricula, co-curricula, adjust the course schedule, update equipment, and/or location of course offerings as needed. Each degree program’s learning outcomes are assessed annually to identify opportunities for continuous improvement within our programs. Every 5 years, a degree program undergoes a program review process to determine curriculum updates and revisions and to ensure the programs offered are of relevance and quality. The school regularly upgrades its equipment, software, and educational materials in order to stay current with rapidly changing technology and reserves the right to make changes to its facilities, equipment, software, and other materials at any time to provide students with the most up-to-date educational experience practicable.

Learning Objectives and Teaching Philosophy

The Graziadio School focuses on the professional and personal development of business professionals, managers, and senior executives. The school’s programs prepare individuals for leadership positions in a wide variety of industrial, educational, nonprofit, and other service organizations. The school views leadership as being applicable at all levels of the organization that require management and stewardship of resources toward the accomplishment of stated objectives.

Programs are organized from an integrated, interdisciplinary perspective. Individual courses emphasize themes of leadership, ethics, stewardship, entrepreneurship, globalization, and innovation. Teaching and learning methodologies include lectures, case analyses, group discussion and debate, simulation exercises, student presentations, role playing, guest speakers, applied research/consulting projects, critical analyses, and team projects. A high degree of active student participation is required. Success is contingent upon students’ competency in developing and practicing effective team skills.

Objectives include (1) familiarizing students with fundamental principles drawn from relevant theories that offer practical insights and solutions for solving business and managerial problems; (2) developing proficiency in identifying and analyzing problems and relating appropriate theory to practical situations; (3) promoting attitudes and competencies of intellectual curiosity and encouraging lifelong learning beyond completion of the degree program; (4) aiding students in recognizing and developing the initiative, imagination, creativity, ethics, values, and judgment needed to function effectively as leaders and managers in complex organizational and business situations, and (5) building skills for responding to ambiguity associated with the dynamic forces at work in the 21st century.

The fundamental teaching philosophy of the Graziadio School is to help students grow their knowledge base and learning abilities to become economically, socially, and environmentally responsible business leaders. In summary, the school’s objective is to provide the student with enhanced competencies and values in the following areas:

  • Knowledge of contemporary business theory and practice; management roles and responsibilities; legal, social, political, economic, technological, and other environmental systems; ethics in business; and organizations, information, behavior, and other subordinate systems.
  • Personal and professional self-awareness and attitudes toward peers, team members, subordinates, associates, and superiors.
  • Skills in problem solving, planning, decision making, and other management functions; initiating, implementing, and adapting to change; communicating, both orally and in writing; improving interpersonal relations; and achieving results.

Student and Academic Services

Academic and Administrative Counseling

The Program Office serves as a main contact for students. From acceptance through graduation, Program Office personnel are available to provide counseling and assistance in all administrative and academic matters. Students on academic probation or restricted admission status may request, through their Program Office, special counseling by faculty members.

In keeping with Pepperdine’s long-standing concern for students, Program Office representatives and faculty members make a concerted effort to be available at times convenient to students and to assist in answering questions and resolving problems connected with their course of study. Students are encouraged to call their Program Office or request a personal appointment whenever they have administrative or academic questions. For Program Office contact information, please visit the Program Support Directory.

Alumni Engagement

Students at the Graziadio Business School have the opportunity to join the Graziadio Alumni Network (GAN) after completing 12 units of coursework. Upon graduating from the Graziadio Business School, graduates become members of the Pepperdine University Alumni Association and the Graziadio Alumni Network. Connection and engagement as an active member of the growing number of Graziadio alumni is facilitated through regular newsletters and LinkedIn communications.

The Graziadio Office of Alumni Engagement offers a multitude of networking events, executive speaking engagements, and industry related events around the world each year to foster connections, life-long learning, and engagement with the Pepperdine community and business leaders to support the advancement of alumni.

Graziadio alumni have access to benefits to enhance their professional development and network, these include: executive learning and certifications, career coaching and support, library privileges, various discount programs, an alumni email account (hosted by Google) with “@alumniemail.pepperdine.edu” domain, and access to the online alumni directory and community, PeppConnect

Alumni are encouraged to use their leadership capabilities to serve as alumni ambassadors, participate in student recruitment, and student career and professional development, and support our fundraising efforts. For more information, please visit the Graziadio Alumni Engagement website.

Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

Pepperdine University complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act, section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, and state and local laws regarding students with disabilities. Students with disabilities requesting accommodation should contact the Office of Student Accessibility (OSA) before their academic program begins to register with the office. Upon verification of the student’s disability, the OSA will work with each student on a case-by-case basis to determine appropriate accommodations while maintaining the academic integrity of the courses.

Students should expect a two-week time frame for registration in which the documentation and accommodation request will be reviewed. If the documentation is incomplete and/or does not meet the guidelines, students will be required to submit complete documentation before accommodations may be granted.

Students who have completed registration with the OSA will receive accommodation letters that they may provide to faculty to verify their accommodations. Registered students must request accommodations each term through a completed Semester Request.  Students are expected to be in close communication with professors and OSA regarding the implementation of accommodations.

Inquiries should be addressed to the Office of Student Accessibility at (310) 506-6500. Please visit the Office of Student Accessibility website for further information regarding documentation guidelines, office forms, and resources for students. 

Notice of Updated Privacy Practices

Pepperdine University respects that the privacy of your Personal Health Information (PHI) is important to you. Therefore, effective August 1, 2014, we have updated our Notice of Privacy Practices (NPP). This NPP describes the collection, maintenance, and use of your PHI in the course of our business operations. You may obtain a copy by contacting the Pepperdine University Department where you last received care.

Athletic Facilities

Students possessing valid Pepperdine student ID cards may use the fully equipped athletic facilities at the Malibu campus during specified times. These facilities include tennis courts, pool, track and field, and the gym, which contains an exercise room.

Beta Gamma Sigma Honor Society

The Pepperdine University chapter of Beta Gamma Sigma encourages and honors academic achievement in the study of business and personal and professional excellence in the practice of business. Membership in Beta Gamma Sigma, the only business honor society recognized by AACSB International - The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, is the highest recognition a business student can receive in an undergraduate or master’s business program accredited by AACSB. Students achieving high academic excellence will be invited to join. The first national honor society in business, founded in 1913, Beta Gamma Sigma currently has more than 820,000 members worldwide. Information on membership is available through the Program Office.


Students enrolled in the Graziadio Business School may purchase all class textbooks and materials from the bookstores located at the West Los Angeles Graduate Campus or the Drescher Graduate Campus for students attending classes in Malibu. The West Los Angeles Graduate Campus bookstore provides a variety of services to ensure optimum convenience for students. Textbook orders can be placed online. The bookstores also offer a selection of office supplies, reference books, and other convenience items.

Career and Professional Development

Career and Professional Development supports students by providing resources necessary to conduct strategic job searches and leverage previous professional experiences to achieve success. Graduate career services support the development of networking techniques, resume writing, negotiation strategies, access to databases, career assessment, on-campus interviews, job postings, and personalized career coaching. Students have opportunities to participate in networking events on- and off-campus and professional development webinars throughout the year. 


Graziadio School’s eLearning team supports faculty in teaching and designing instruction that effectively uses educational technologies and Universal Design for Learning.  Using evidence-practices, eLearning uses methods and tools to create a dynamic and interactive learning environment, while supporting faculty’s teaching style.  Empower your teaching methods with media technologies to enable students to collaborate in a learning community uninhibited by distance or time, just as it occurs in real-world business communities. Using the Sakai Courses learning management system, Google apps, web-conferencing platforms, and other media, students and faculty share and track academic work electronically, while engaging in synchronous and asynchronous online discussions.

Students, faculty, and invited guest speakers can access, learn and participate in a performance-based learning environment. Virtual teams collaborate to connect with learners, instructors and industry experts from across the globe. eLearning partners with faculty to design, develop and deliver additional interactive and multimedia learning objects to support your learning objectives. With a goal to enhance, engage, and provide real-world experience, e-learning at the Graziadio School increasingly provides students with new learning and networking opportunities beyond the benefits of a traditional classroom setting.

Financial Aid Office

The Graziadio Business School’s Financial Aid Office is located at the West Los Angeles Graduate Campus. The Financial Aid Office provides Graziadio School students with information on available financial aid and the appropriate type of aid for individual circumstances. The Financial Aid Office assists students with the required paperwork and processes financial aid applications for scholarships and grants as well as federal and private credit-based loans. Students are encouraged to contact the Financial Aid Office or request a personal appointment whenever they have financial assistance questions. For more information about financial aid, please visit the Financial Aid Office website online.

Student Health Insurance

In order to limit financial and academic stress related to illnesses or injury during the academic year, Pepperdine University requires all students both domestic and international, including those studying abroad, carry a US-based health insurance plan. To meet this requirement the university offers the Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) as an option for all PGBS students registered on the Malibu campus*,

Each academic year Malibu registered PGBS students must utilize the AHP Insurance Dashboard to either

  1. Provide proof of a U.S. based health insurance plan during posted submission dates by clicking the waive button or
  2. Enroll in the Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) by clicking the enroll button

For questions regarding SHIP, the online waiver, requirement dates and deadlines, or any alterations to the requirement due to COVID-19 response you can visit the health insurance website.

*PGBS students registered on non-Malibu campuses are required to carry health insurance but are not required to provide proof and are not eligible for SHIP. Visit the State Exchange Plans website for plans offered in your area.

Information Technology and Tech Central

The Information Technology department provides a full range of technology services for Pepperdine University students. Each of the University’s campuses features modern classrooms with digital projection and wireless Internet access as well as general-use computer labs that provide wireless Internet connectivity, fee-based black-and-white and color printing, and photocopying.

Students may visit the Information Technology website and select “Student” for self-help guides and support information.  Information Technology staff members are available to provide technology assistance through the Tech Central office in Malibu.  In addition, students may contact Tech Central for support at 310.506.HELP (4357) or 866.767.8623 (toll-free in the USA), 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Students are required to abide by the Computer and Network Responsible Usage Policy. Details are included in the Legal Notices  section of this catalog and are published on the Information Technology website. Information about all Information Technology services are available on the Information Technology website.


The Pepperdine University libraries provide a global gateway to knowledge for PGBS graduate students and faculty though well-appointed facilities located at each of Pepperdine’s graduate campuses and online. These locations include the Drescher Campus Graduate Library in Malibu, the West Los Angeles Campus Graduate Library, the Irvine Campus Graduate Library, and the newly renovated Encino Graduate Campus Library. Highly skilled research librarians are available at each of the graduate campus library locations and online to assist with students’ information needs.

Pepperdine’s graduate campus libraries provide students with access to a rich array of scholarly materials, including more than 180 electronic databases, 90 percent of which are full text, extensive collections of print monographs, government documents, e-books, and e-journals. All circulating items in the Pepperdine libraries are available to students, faculty, and alumni and may be requested through the libraries’ website for pickup at Malibu or at graduate campuses. To access these resources and for more information, please visit the Pepperdine University Libraries website.

Office of International Student Services

The Office of International Student Services (OISS) is located on the Malibu campus. The Form I-20, Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant Student Status, is issued by the OISS to admitted students who intend to study in the United States while in F-1 student visa status.  Communication will be sent from the OISS to students who have submitted their intent-to-enroll form and deposit with instructions on how to request the Form I-20 and apply for an F-1 student visa or maintain their current F-1 status. Within one week of their arrival on the campus, F-1 students must log in to the OISS Portal and complete the “Mandatory Arrival Report” form in order to be considered lawfully present in the United States.  International students who intend to enroll at Pepperdine University while maintaining a nonimmigrant visa status other than the F-1 visa status must provide documentary evidence of their visa status. The OISS hosts and partners with resources across the University to offer programs and activities to assist students in achieving success in their academic and social transitions. The OISS also provides information and advising on F-1 visa regulations, employment authorization, basic tax requirements and other matters necessary for compliance and maintenance of lawful visa status in the United States. Health and accident insurance coverage is mandatory for all international students. For more information, call (310) 506-4246.

Psychological and Educational Clinic

The Pepperdine University Psychological and Educational Clinic is located at the West Los Angeles Graduate Campus. The clinic provides comprehensive psychological services to the general community as well as to Pepperdine University students and staff. Psychological services offered include psychological assessment and individual, couple, and family therapy. Services are provided by clinical psychology doctoral students, under the supervision of licensed psychologists, or other doctoral-level licensed therapists. Fees for services are based upon a sliding scale determined by yearly income and number of dependents. A special discounted fee of $15 per therapy session is available for Pepperdine students. The fees paid by our clients are based on a sliding scale (between $15-$90) according to annual income and number of dependents. The cost of an initial evaluation is $25; and most clients at our clinics pay from $15 to $35 per session for ongoing appointments. Please visit the Psychological and Educational Clinic website for more information. To make an initial appointment, please call (310) 568-5752.

Student Health Center

The Student Health Center (SHC) serves all enrolled students regardless of insurance type and is conveniently located in the recently renovated Student Assistance Center (SAC) giving students easy access to excellent health care. 

The medical staff, consisting of board-certified medical doctors, a physician assistant, nursing staff, and a registered dietician, is dedicated to the health and wellness of our diverse student population. They are skilled in working with college-age patients and provide a professional and inviting atmosphere for students who seek care. The health center emphasizes preventative care and health education during patient visits and outreach programming. The health services are efficient, timely, and cost-effective. Most are now covered by the Student Wellness Fee. Front office staff provides paperwork at the conclusion of appointments for students to seek reimbursement from their insurance carriers for any charges not covered by the wellness fee.

Immunization Requirement

Students seeking up-to-date information on the current immunization requirements are encouraged to visit the SHC website or log onto their Patient Portal for messages from our medical staff.

University Card Services

Students are able to use their student identification cards for the purchase of photocopies and printing on campus or for food and beverages from dining locations on the Malibu campus. There is no charge for a student’s first identification card. The fee to replace lost or stolen identification cards is $15. Students may obtain a replacement identification card at the IT department located at each campus.

Web Deposit at Pepperdine University is a free online service designed to provide students with the convenience of adding money to their campus identification cards anywhere and anytime. Students or guests (for example, parents) can add money to campus card accounts online with a credit or debit card. Deposits made online are secure and accounts are updated immediately. The website allows cardholders to view their account balance or transaction history and report a lost or stolen card. 

Travel Agency

The University has a full-service travel agency located at the Malibu campus. Any registered student may use the service and make travel arrangements in person or by telephone. The travel agency may be reached at (310) 506-4562, or e-mail corniche@pepperdine.edu for further information.

Veterans Services

Veterans are advised to consult the “Academic Policies ” section of this catalog under “Information for Veterans .”