Feb 07, 2025  
2020-2021 Graziadio Academic Catalog 
2020-2021 Graziadio Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Bachelor of Science in Management

The Bachelor of Science in Management (BSM) program provides a rigorous yet practical education to business professionals, integrating foundational theories and principles with modern day business practice. Students have the opportunity to draw from their own work experiences and engage in a diverse array of learning activities designed to foster learning, collaboration, leadership, and professional growth. Knowledge gained in the classroom can be readily applied to a range of practical scenarios in the workplace. 

The BSM program comprises 60 units of upper-division courses representing all the major disciplines taught at the Graziadio Business School - applied behavior science, management, economics, accounting, finance, marketing, information systems, business law, decision science, and strategy - tailored for students with some professional experience who are committed to enhancing their knowledge and skills and advancing their careers. It consists of experiential, collaborative, and pragmatic learning processes that are designed to help students become more effective members of organizations. The program familiarizes students with the dynamics of global markets; the core functional areas of business; and the impacts of globalization, technology, and diversity in the workplace. The program develops students’ understanding of business processes and their execution. It builds their self-confidence and skills in the areas of communication, informed decision making, leadership, global orientation, and team development. The program places a strong emphasis on values and moral and ethical conduct.

The BSM program has set the following educational objectives:

  • Students will be effective communicators in business settings.
  • Students will be able to meaningfully contribute in a team environment.
  • Students will have the ability to recognize ethical issues and to incorporate ethical considerations when recommending courses of action.
  • Graduates will have a global orientation.

An important cornerstone of the BSM program is a weekend-long off-site residential workshop during the first trimester, designed to establish a strong foundation for personal development, communication, and group learning experiences that are interspersed throughout the curriculum.

Global Business Intensive Courses

Two units of credit may be earned by attending one of the Global Business Intensive courses offered at locations in Asia, Europe, Latin America, the Caribbean, and North America. These are short-term intensive courses which students take during trimester breaks.

Degree Requirements for the BSM

The Bachelor of Science in Management degree requires a minimum of 120 semester units, inclusive of 60 units of upper-division coursework completed at the Graziadio School. A minimum grade point average of 2.0 is required, both in Graziadio School courses and the overall 120 units, for the conferral of the degree. Unless students have obtained advance approval for a Course Waiver of certain program requirements, all 60 BSM program units must be completed at the Graziadio Business School. 

Transfer of Undergraduate Credit

Students will receive advanced standing according to the number of acceptable semester units previously completed. Credit received on a basis other than the semester unit will be converted to the semester system. BSM candidates will be provided a summary of transferable credits upon the completion of their application files and admission to the program. 

The review of BSM program applications includes an evaluation of all previously completed courses for transferability as general education requirements. In the areas of English composition and mathematics, a minimum grade of “C” is required for the transfer of credits. For all other subjects, the minimum grade that will be considered for transfer is “D-.”  Out of the 60 transferable lower-division units, no more than 15 may be completed through extension courses.

In exceptional cases, courses of comparable scope and rigor successfully completed (grade of “B” or better) prior to entering the BSM program may be granted equivalency with certain courses taught at the Graziadio Business School. These determinations will be made at the discretion of the BSM program faculty and are limited to no more than 12 out of the 60 upper-division units required for program completion. 

General Studies Requirements

General studies requirements must be met by coursework transferred to the Graziadio Business School. Students must complete a total of 30 semester units in the general studies area. A student may not transfer more than 4 units of physical education to fulfill general studies requirements. Sixteen units of College-Level Examination Program (CLEP)/DANTE credit taken in subject examinations with a score of 50 or higher will be accepted toward general studies requirements. CLEP/DANTE credit cannot be granted in any area where the student has equivalent course credit.

The following areas must be included in the general studies requirements:

  1. English Composition (3 semester units). Students must complete a course in English composition with a grade of “C” or better prior to application for admission and have official transcripts filed in the Graziadio School Admission Office.
  2. Social Science (6 semester units). Students may meet this requirement by taking courses in subject areas such as american government, economics, history, political science, psychology, or sociology. Lower-division courses in microeconomics and macroeconomics are strongly recommended as preparation for the BSM program.
  3. Humanities and/or Fine Arts (6 semester units). Students may meet this requirement by taking courses in subject areas such as art, music, speech, English, religion, foreign language, or history.
  4. Natural Science (3 semester units). Students may meet this requirement by completing a course in a subject area such as natural science, physical science, or life science. A lab is not required.
  5. Mathematics (3 semester units). Students may meet this requirement by taking a college-level mathematics course with a grade of “C” or better. Examples of mathematics subjects include college algebra or above, geometry, trigonometry, or calculus. Students must complete this course prior to application for admission and have official transcripts filed in the Graziadio School Admission Office.
  6. Additional General Studies (9 semester units).  All regionally accredited courses that would satisfy the above categories, as well as Computer Science and up to 4 semester units of Physical Education.


To complete the minimum total of 120 semester units required for the bachelor’s degree, students may choose elective courses from any area of study from an accredited college or university. Electives also may be taken in any of the general studies areas in addition to the courses taken to meet the general studies requirements. Students may submit for approval credit obtained in the following ways:

  1. Extension Credit-A maximum of 15 semester units in extension, distance learning, and/or correspondence study from regionally accredited colleges may be submitted for transfer. If these units are not acceptable for general studies requirements, the Graziadio School may accept them for electives. 
  2. CLEP/DANTE Examinations-In addition to the maximum of 16 units of general education credit, 16 units of elective credit will be accepted toward electives for the bachelor’s degree. Subject examinations with a score of 50 or higher are acceptable to fulfill general studies requirements. General CLEP examinations with satisfactory scores (500 or higher prior to July 2001, 50 or higher with computer-based testing beginning July 2001) will be acceptable for elective credit. Four units of credit may be granted for each acceptable general examination and 4 units of credit for each acceptable subject examination. CLEP/DANTE credit cannot be granted in any area where the student has equivalent course credit. 
  3. Military Experience Credit-The following will be given as lower-division elective credit when the proper form is submitted:
    Enlisted-6 units
    Warrant Officer-9 units
    Commissioned Officer-12 units
    Units will be given in no more than one of the above categories. Veterans must submit form DD214 and active-duty military personnel must submit form DD295.
  4. Military Service Schools-Credit is granted for military schools and courses recommended for credit by the American Council on Education. Courses for which credit is granted must be equivalent to Pepperdine University program offerings. Credit will be given when form DD295 is submitted. 
  5. Assessment of Prior Learning (APL) Credit-APL is college credit which may be granted for prior learning acquired on the job or through self-study, in-service training, trade or private schools, self-employment, and home or community experience. A maximum of 30 semester units of APL credit from regionally accredited colleges may be submitted for transfer. If these units are not acceptable for general studies requirements, Pepperdine University may accept them for electives.

Course Waiver

At the discretion of the BSM program faculty, students who have completed comparable courses prior to entering the program may be allowed to waive up to 12 units toward the 60 upper-division units required for degree completion. In such cases, the following limitations apply:

  • BSCI 468 Organizational Behavior  and STGY 479 Business Strategy  may not be waived.
  • Credit will only be given for courses completed 7 or fewer years prior to the BSM program admission term.
  • A minimum grade of “B” is required for any previously completed course for which a waiver is sought. 

A waiver request must be made through a written petition to the Program Office and accompanied by a transcript, syllabus, and the official course description from the institution at which it was completed. Additional supporting information may be required by the faculty reviewing the petition. 

Course Load

Because the BSM program is designed for full-time working professionals, students are generally limited to 10 units per academic term. Request to exceed the 10 unit maximum must be submitted to the Program Office for consideration on a case-by-case basis.

In certain circumstances, students may be limited to a lower maximum unit load. These include and are not limited to the following:

  • Academic probation status - unit limit reduced to 6 units 
  • Assigned grade of “I” (Incomplete) - maximum load reduced by the equivalent unit value of the course(s) in which the “I” was assigned 
  • Any outstanding lower division coursework after matriculation into BSM Program. 

Enrollment Status Implications for Special Populations

The BSM program is designed to be completed on a part-time basis, averaging no more than 10 units per academic term. As such, it is not intended for international students whose visa eligibility is contingent upon maintaining a full-time academic load (usually 12 or more units). Similarly, active or former military service members seeking to utilize education and/or cost of living benefits administered through the Department of Veterans Affairs are strongly advised to consult the Office of Student Information and Services (OSIS) for eligibility information prior to enrollment. Further information related to standards for progress for veteran students appears in the ”Academic Policies  ” section of this catalog under “Information for Veterans .”

Course Credit

All BSM courses must be completed with a minimum grade of “D-” to be awarded academic credit. Any course in which a student earns a grade of “F” or “WF” must be repeated within two trimesters. In such instances, the grades earned from each attempt are factored into the overall grade point average.

Degree Completion Requirements

Students must complete all lower-division requirements and submit all official documents prior to filing the Intent to Graduate form. Students who do not fulfill all lower-division and program completion requirements will not be eligible to participate in graduation ceremonies until the outstanding requirements are met.

Graduation Honors

Honors distinctions are awarded to graduates of the BSM Program who have achieved the required minimum grade point averages in their undergraduate coursework at Pepperdine as follows:

  • Cum Laude - minimum 3.50 GPA
  • Magna Cum Laude - minimum 3.70 GPA
  • Summa Cum Laude - minimum 3.90 GPA

The Graziadio School bestows the additional designation of Dean’s Honor Roll upon students completing all BSM Program coursework with a minimum overall GPA of 3.5. For the purposes of eligibility for these distinctions, GPA’s are not rounded up. 

Registering in Graduate Courses

A BSM student who is within 9 units of degree completion may be permitted to enroll graduate-level courses. The request must be submitted to the BSM program committee for approval prior to the start of the final undergraduate term. For graduate coursework outside the Graziadio Business School,  the request must receive approval from the corresponding academic dean/official. Graduate coursework may not be taken to fulfill undergraduate degree requirements. Approval to take graduate-level coursework does not constitute admission to the respective program. To be considered for admission, the student must formally apply and meet all program eligibility criteria.