Mar 06, 2025  
2014-2015 Graziadio Academic Catalog 
2014-2015 Graziadio Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

MBAK 611 Leadership Challenges for Company Presidents and Senior Executives (4)

Based on research into the needs and learning patterns of senior executives, this course is designed to enhance performance in the role of corporate leader. The course begins with the effective executive workshop, in which a learning community-complete with a student-generated contract-is established. The workshop and subsequent classes will serve as a container, a context, and a catalyst for the personal and professional development of each student. Using General Systems Theory as a framework and drawing on established research and theory in the behavioral sciences, the course will emphasize the following topics: personal presence and the understanding and exploring of interpersonal influence patterns, principles and practice of team formation and facilitation competencies, clinical/observational approaches to organizational cultural diagnostics, and developing leadership competencies.